My values
“My goal is to create original and special designs that stand out”
The jewelry is all original handmade creations of Emmanuela Alevizopoulou or special picks of her. We take pictures of the original creations only, many of which are not reproduced if natural materials, which cannot be found in the same shape or texture, were used for their creation. For those that can be reproduced, we achieve a good degree of fidelity but of course it is not possible to be identical to the originals.
So, each one of our items is unique!
Even if the design is the same, the careful observer will see many differences in the details.
By wearing them, we wish to express our thoughts, our sentiments and embrace our uniqueness through them”
Through many years of experience in jewelry making, experimentation with new and sophisticated techniques and the knowledge of the properties and origin of the raw materials used, Emmanuela has succeeded in expressing herself through her creations. The jewelry she makes are expressions of her thoughts and feelings. When the things we choose to wear match with our psyche and mentality, when they have a story to tell, our dressing is complete and becomes a key element of our personality. Our ring, our pin, our earrings, tell things about us without us saying anything.
“I believe that the most beautiful things hide behind simplicity. This is why I don’t think too much before I start designing a new jewel. Many times I don’t even make a drawing… I just get my tools and trust my instincts”
It is strange, but inspiration for the most successful designs comes from everyday life and nature themes. Aiming at originality and simplicity, the designs are of high aesthetic value but, at the same time, intimate and warm. The bond we often feel with the things we wear is achieved through their immediacy and the way they make us identify with them. Emmanuela creates each item, hoping that someone will love it. Therefore, she creates more with her soul and less with her hands. After all, the greatest artistic creations come from a deeper part of us, which is beyond the reach of cognitive thought.
“I try to make affordable jewelry, hoping that it will be invaluable to you”
Emmanuela does not believe that handmade jewelry should be expensive, just because they cannot be reproduced in great quantities. Everything that a man makes with his hands is unique and its evaluation is always subjective. For some it is a masterpiece, for some just another construction.
As for a jewelry creation, what is important is that there are people able and willing to wear it. Therefore, Emmanuela retains a realistic and humble approach when she estimates the value of her work, although it is invaluable to her!
In addition, Internet in general and in specific, give her the opportunity to contact the buyers directly. Therefore, they are not overpriced because of the commercial profit and remain at low levels, accessible to everyone!
“More often than not, after I have materialized what I imagined and designed in my mind, I feel like a little child. I show it to everyone around me and I take great joy when I see in his or her eyes that they like it. By making jewelry that people like, I fulfill a dream of my childhood. My greatest reward is to see happy people wearing one of my creations or offering it to a loved one”